Thursday, September 3, 2015

Cakes and ADD

Sometimes I make impulsive decisions. This comes with the ADD territory. Normally I try very hard to keep this side of me in check. But other times, like that time I bought a puppy without telling anyone, I am too distracted by my impulse to realize that what I am doing probably requires a little more thought and planning than I am giving it. What can I say, I have big dreams. So this past weekend I happened to be on some pain medication (prescribed by my doctor, of course) and my inhibitions happened to be a little lower than normal, which is just the perfect breeding ground for disaster in my life. Long story short, I decided to start a business on Sunday afternoon. Whats more, I decided to give away free product. I also decided to do all of this by posting about it on facebook. In random groups full of random people I don't know. Which is why I was surprised to find Monday morning, lots of angry messages from said people I don't know because I could not possibly bake a free cake for everyone and their blessed Chihuahua. Lessons learned: don't post on fb while on pain meds. Also, don't offer free things to people you don't know. Also, even if you do not have a very clear recollection of making a promise, you still have to keep it. So here I sit reviewing free cake orders for a business I barely remember starting. But also, I can't make a business out of free product, so *sorry for the shameless plug* if you need a cake or specialty baked good for any occasion or event, check out my website It is still under some minor construction, so sorry for that. But for reals, I am still shaking my head at myself.

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