Whilst feeling sorry for myself recently, I had a realization. In my general efforts to keep my writing as real and honest as possible, I forget most of the time to write about things that are not horrible, hard, and devistating. But normal, everyday life is as real as it gets because it isn't everyday that I am passing kidney stones, or puking a million times because I'm pregnant, or having panic attacks, or having a miscarriage. In fact, most days I am not doing these things. So with that, I will tell you about my day.
Today was exceptionally normal, and nothing bad even happened. Sam woke up early with the baby and let me sleep in-actually, he does this most days and it is a beautiful gift. We did chores, and laundry, and ended up organizing and purging lots of unneeded junk. It feels pretty good to be able to walk inside of my laundryroom again. I bleached a once white rug that has been sitting in the laundry room for months waiting to be treated (who even puts white rugs in high traffic areas anyways?!). That rug almost looks white again so I am going to call that one a success. We talked about going to the zoo but ultimately decided to go another day because staying home together sounded kind of nice. I played with my son and fed him some new foods-he was pretty sure he liked them. Discovering new things with him is one of my favorite pastimes. I changed a few diapers and made a few bottles, but when he took a three hour nap I did a little victory dance in my head. The dishes got done but the carpet didn't get vacuumed. I convinced Sam to pare down his costume collection which cleared up a ton of storage space. I convinced myself to pare down my wardrobe which saved even more. Most importantly I found my glue gun-not that I needed it today but that thing had been missing for, like, ever. We both wiped a runny nose over and over, but we also got lots of smiles and laughs form our littlest Sam. Leftovers and a frozen chicken pot pie got eaten for dinner in between random chores and getting buddy ready for bed. Dad Sam did bedtime and I got to spend a few quiet moments by myself. We sat together in bed and Sam watched a movie while I drafted the Relief Society newsletter and made a birthday list. Feeling pretty proud of myself for being a week ahead of the game there. Bath time for me was enhanced by my amazing (read: not actually functional) home made bath bomb-but at least it smelled nice. Instead of being annoyed my insomnia I painted my toenails and shaved my legs for the first time in probably weeks. And as my polish sat drying I decided to write about my beautifully average day where nothing bad even happened. What a blessing real life can be. I am so glad that my everyday looks a lot more like this than the days I most often blog about. So here's to all of the entirely forgettable days that fill up so much of my life. Without you, I would be a complete mess.
Sweet to be ordinary sometimes.