Friday, August 7, 2015

it's normal

so i got a text the other day from my oldest and very best friend. she reminded me that i used to do this blogging thing and that it was maybe sort of therapeutic for me. well, it turns out that she is a very wise woman. it is in that light that i bring you The New Normal: a normal blog about normal stuff written by a normal person. 

i will spare you the gory details of why i stopped blogging in the last year (and pretty much doing most everything i enjoyed, for that matter) and instead will direct you to my previous blog for the somewhat sketchy yet way too personal details. if you are interested, would be the place to go. although a few important things such as getting married and moving back to arizona forever and always may have been skipped. 

anyways, "why start a blog about being normal and doing normal stuff?" you ask incredulously... well, because thats all i got, tbh. life is crazy and crazy things happen every day and all the time but really, it is all just par for the course. getting up in the morning and putting on the same jeans you have worn every day for the past week is not super exciting or blog worthy-but that is life and life is a beautiful and precious thing (queue tender sigh). 

in closing, i will leave you with a little story about my normal, normal life: once upon a time (read today) i ate a bowl of cereal, a couple of potato chips, and a protein bar. the rest of the day has been spent contemplating what to have for dinner and weather or not to eat the apple slices i brought with me to work and forgot to put in the fridge.**please read the following in a dramatic shakespearean tone for effect** to eat the warm apples now or to refrigerate them and eat them later, that is the question! the end. 

note from magnificent story teller: upon phrasing the last question of the story, a decision to eat the apples had been made. they were slightly warm but still pretty delicious. i also remembered about a grapefruit i had and decided to eat it for breakfast tomorrow. 

the actual end.

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